Padmaraj Madatha Apps

Yashoda Hematology Clinic 1.8
Yashoda Hematology Clinic is a centre ofexcellence for Clinical Hematology, Oncology, Bone Marrow and stemcell transplant in Pune, India.It's a centre for cancer diagnosis, treatment and probable cure.We have facility to test for HLA matching in collaboration withHistogenetics, USA. We do in house testing for Thalassaemia,Hemophilia, Thrombophilia (blood clotting in artery and veins),leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma.We have collaboration with Stemcyte Inc and Reliance cord bloodbank for finding out unrelated cord blood bag. We specialise inallogenic, autologous, Haplo-identical and unrelated cord bloodstem cell transplant for multiple indications. We have manyclinical studies going on for lymphoma, leukaemia, myeloma, CML,Hemophilia. We have pioneered many therapies in Thalassaemiaincluding use of Hydroxyurea with wheatgrass and transplants likehaploidentical(from mother) or unrelated cord blood transplant.This App will help Doctors and patients with details on latestin these fields. Also, lot of informative videos which areperiodically updated, would be accessible and you would also hearfrom us on regular basis by means of notifications which will takeyou to approriate location.Doctor would be reached using this app and you can communicate,take appointment and even integrate the lab activities using theapp. The same information is available on and on www.
Thalassaemia Diagnosis 0.0.2
Worldwide, approximately 15 million people areestimated to suffer from Thalassaemic disorders. Reportedly, thereare about 240 million carriers of β-Thalassaemia worldwide, i.e.1.5% of world population, and in India alone, the number isapproximately 30 million with 505 in S.E.Asia. The burden ofHemoglobinopathies in India is high with nearly 12,000 infantsbeing born every year with a severe disorder. These numbers implythat every hour 1 child is born who will suffer with this geneticdisorder. The carrier rate for β-Thalassemia varies from 1-17 % inIndia with an average of 3.2 %. This means that on an average 1 inevery 25 Indians is a carrier of Thalassemia.This is a simple app which can help in identifying if you arecarrier of Thalassaemia. You can also check spouse for the same toensure the chances of your offspring being a carrier arereduced.Who then should be screened for Thalassaemia?- Pre-marital youth (18-25 years of age)- Antenatal women in their first trimester- Parents and extended family of Thalassaemia major children- Individuals belonging to the high-risk communities- Any individual with a raised RBC countPrevention of Thalassaemia – the need of the hour. There is anurgent need for the prenatal diagnosis of Thalassaemia to combatthe burden of Hemoglobinopathies in India. Thalassaemia is anautosomal recessive disorder which is inherited from parents.If one (1) parent has beta thalassemia trait and the otherparent has normal hemoglobin A, there is a 50 percent (1 in 2)chance with each pregnancy of having a child with beta thalassemiatrait. These are the possible outcomes with each pregnancy.- 50 percent (1 in 2) chance of having a child with betathalassemia trait- 50 percent (1 in 2) chance of having a child without traitWhat if both parents have Beta Thalassaemia trait?If both parents have beta thalassemia trait there is a 25 percent(1 in 4) chance with each pregnancy of having a child with BetaThalassaemia disease. Beta Thalassaemia disease is a lifelongillness that can result in serious health problems. These are thepossible outcomes with each pregnancy.- 25 percent (1 in 4) chance of having a child with betathalassemia disease- 50 percent (1 in 2) chance of having a child with betathalassemia trait- 25 percent (1 in 4) chance of having a child without trait ordiseaseYou can also book appointment. Details are in app.
Thalassaemia Cure Score 0.0.4
Although a relatively small number of previousstudies suggest a modest response to hydroxyurea (HU) therapy inbeta-thalassemia, more recent investigations have revealed thatsome transfusion-dependent patients can becometransfusion-independent following HU therapy. Patients with GgammaXmnI polymorphism, several beta-globin mutations, andalpha-thalassemia deletions were inconsistently reported to havesignificant responses to HU therapy. To better predict who mayrespond, we have come up with this simple app which will help youunderstand the chances of improvement.
Anemia Diagnosis 1.7
This app has been introduced byAppmentTechnologies in collaboration with Yashoda Hematology Clinic,PuneIndia. This help patients in understanding initial diagnosisoftheir conditions based on certain parameters like hemoglobincount,RBC count, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) , Ferritin andLDH.